Archive 02/21/12 - (2)



My Struggle



I'd always believed that growing older and old

Would systematically expand the heart's willingness

To pardon people for their misdeeds, trespasses, misjudgments,

Decree them free, to a certain compassionate degree,

From the defiances attributable to man's inherent arrogance,

Allow them more than enough leeway to start seeing truth

For the gift it is (albeit primordial, relativistic, provisional),

Teach them how to forgive the most heinous of human atrocities,

Embrace those who've sinned, caused their brothers, sisters grief,

And bestow, on them, a chance to repent and show contrition,

Begin again, with their Book of Life pages bleached clean.


But now that I'm grown old enough to know better, best,

I can see through all the myths, the platitudes, the mendacities,

Read between the lines written on time's scriptural walls,

Realize, with eyes blinded by mankind's inexcusable perversities,

That growing old hasn't enhanced My wisdom, My enlightenment,

Instead has darkened the ark of My psyche's covenant with them.

Indeed, now I see clearly, through their oblique smoke and fire,

That some institutions, races, religions, nationalities

Will never deserve expiation for their scourges against eternity.

On this, My dying day, I hate, disdain, abominate Nazi Germany,

For decimating My family, obliterating My Word, annihilating Me.






02/21/12 - (2)













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