Archive 03/17/10 - (1)




I am the endless moment of my poetic soul,

When all else has fallen away but me, me being me,

Whoever, whenever, wherever I may be, today, tomorrow.


This cloudless cerulean sky am I,

Its outrageously blazing sunrays,

Radiating off the silver surface of this ice-glazed lake.


Look for me, somewhere between the snow's last vestiges

And spring's saturated, burgeoning, just-greening earth

Drinking me into its vast, deep, eternal reservoirs.


And in June, look for me in the shore-lining cattails, as well,

Tiptop-high in the crowns of white and red pines,

Clinging to the mist lifting into a magnificence of sunrise,


Singing from the throats of chickadees, red-winged blackbirds,

Wailing from a lone loon floating in a moonlit shimmer,

Ringing from the bell of the village's Presbyterian church.


Look for me there and here, nowhere else, and you'll find me.

I am everywhere. All things surrounding me, I surround.

Wherever I am is everything I've ever been, everything I am.











03/17/10 - (1)













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