Archive 12/24/09 - (2)


The Tree




What an exhilarating blood-rush flood it was,

To be back in the woods nestling the quiet boys' camp,

Trudging over its snow-packed slopes, in boots.


And now that I'm at the cabin again,

I've one task to get done before I call this afternoon complete,

Molt my layers of clothing, take a rest from my labors.


On the west side of the yard descending to the frozen lake,

I saw down a slender, supple, seventy-some-inch white pine,

Small but perfectly proportioned,


Which will make a fine addition to the living room,

Give the habitation a strong, sweet scent of Christmas —

A tree all the more festive without lights, ornaments, tinsel.


It's fortuitous that, amidst the basement's dusty clutter,

I locate a rusted red stand, its four green legs intact.

My tiny conifer fits neatly into its grasp.


Having disrobed to my skinny six feet of chilled nakedness,

Finished getting warm, in a long-drawn shower,

To the core of my blood's gradually quickening flow,


I realize that my tree and I

Are approximately the same height,

Though we're decidedly dissimilar in shape and weight.


More important, we possess something ineluctable,

A mystic trait that binds us, in a brotherly tie,

To the same creative energy — nature the mother to us both.






12/24/09 - (2)












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