Archive 04/01/09 - (1)


April Fools'



For a week, at least, leading up to April Fools' Day,

I tried out as many as a dozen pranks and fibs,

But my brain fell for none of them,


Which left me in a rather untenable place,

Since I'm the kind of guy, if you know what I mean,

Who likes to get a person's goat, with a good stretcher,


The more mendacious the better;

Even a little maliciousness and/or vandalism, for good measure,

Never hurts, is how I see it, especially among friends.


After all, how can you tell who your friends really are

If you don't stick it to them, real good,

With a red-hot poker up the A-hole or the one-eyed trouser worm,


To see if they can put your bullshit behind them,

Forgive and forget that you caught them with their pants down —

You know, see if they turn the other cheek, so to speak,


Recite, from Animal House, the fraternity-pledge initiation mantra

"Thank you, sir! May I have another?,"

Show they're capable of putting up with you, no matter the pain?


But despite all the trial-balloon lies and stunts I floated,

To sucker my mind into believing that April 1

Was the beginning of the End Times, Apocalypse, Armageddon,


It wouldn't bite, take the bait — hook, line, or stinker.

But once that Wednesday arrived, I hit upon a new scheme,

Took a radical tack, to convince my psyche it was doomsday:


I wouldn't let my body get out of its sweaty bedsheets,

Pretended, instead, that rigor mortis had escaped a nightmare

And hidden in my bone marrow, the DNA of every cell.


For perhaps three hours, I lay low, not twitching a muscle,

Waiting to see how my mind would respond to my prank,

Especially since it was such a stickler for getting to work, on time.


But when, at 9:30, I shouted "April Fools'!" triumphantly

And tried to rouse my brain from its somnolence, it played dead.

That was two weeks ago. It still hasn't stirred.






04/01/09 - (1)












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